Thursday, July 3, 2008

As the 4th of July sparkles…or am I a Patriot

I definitely am a Patriot’s fan, maybe not so much after the most recent Super Bowl. But I am a sucker for the team and football. So, if there is even a glimmer of hope this fall, I will be right back into it…but I digress.

I’ve been listening to NPR (National Public Radio) and a continuous flow of discussions about Patriotism as it relates to Senator Obama. Does a lapel pin make someone a Patriot or the lack of it remove that distinction? I don’t think a piece of jewelry has the ability to change your soul. That being said, I did have concerns when Senator Obama did not place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. If he aspires to the Presidency, then a demonstration of loyalty is in order.

After enduring the 2004 Presidential Election and the “flip-flop” politics that were attributed to Senator Kerry, I wonder where the “flip-flop” police are now with Senator Obama “adjusting" his campaign to fit the requirements of the voters he wishes to attract.

Am I a Patriot? I believe I finally realized how much of one I am on September 11, 2001. Having protested the war in the late 60’s, I never questioned if we, as a country, were vulnerable until that day. I know my sleeping patriotism awoke in full, fierce force that day. That does not mean that I blindly accept and approve of everything we do in this country. It just means that I see our strengths and weaknesses, but I would not want to be anywhere else in the world!


1 comment:

Tina Hemond said...

Huzzah! Well said! The media appears to have adjusted the term flip-flop when it comes to Obama, a flip-flop is merely man's right to change his mind. (but only in Senator Obama's case).
September 11, 2001 made it clear just how dear this country is to many of us - disagreeing with policy does not make one unpatriotic, that is a right that we celebrate with vigor! One may disagree with policy and still show respect for a great nation. There is no other country that enjoys the freedom and opportunity that this land has to offer - which may be why people are constantly trying to break in - not out!