Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family Rules

As we age, the family dynamic changes.  We, who were the youngsters, have now moved up the familial hierarchical ladder a couple of rungs…to a level that sometimes makes us dizzy…we are not sure how we got there so fast.

We thought that we would always be the tight family unit and that we are special.  Our siblings would always want to be part of our lives, just like before, and the expanded and expanding family would embrace all new members.

The reality is, that although our roots are similar (I say similar instead of the same purposefully), each sibling’s life experience(s) change the ingredients to produce different values, goals, passions, and raison d’etre!

The question is whether or not our elders felt the same way…did the family bond seem to slip through THEIR fingers and they yearned for the unity of THEIR youth, when they reached the top rungs…

Technology is great…it allows us to communicate instantaneously with our friends, acquaintances, and family members around the world…but, it also distances us from them.  In youth, we explore new and exciting geographies, settle down and drift away from the extended family warmth and support we had.

With the passing of each family elder, we run the risk of losing the unity that keeps us grounded.

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