Sunday, August 10, 2008

A King for four years…Does Age Matter?

Let me begin by saying I do not support Senator McCain, nor do I support Senator Obama and I really do not want another would be "King" for four years. So this is neither an endorsement nor a condemnation of either candidate…merely observations.

The confession is that I am a member of AARP and the question is does that make me less competent or less entitled to a job than someone who is younger?

Age is an integral part of everything in Politics--from Paris Hilton’s answer to Senator McCain (see video clip a the bottom of the blog) to the press’s ongoing bias for Senator Obama because of his “energy” and “young approach”

All other political party platforms aside, and assuming Senator McCain is in good mental and physical health, does age make him less qualified?

Sadly, I hear on the news my children’s generation thinking it is time for the Boomer Generation to step aside—after all, we have had our turn—right? I don’t think so. Most Boomers that I know are active, energetic, intelligent and vital people who still have a great deal to offer. Unfortunately, even many Boomers who would like to retire (not in a rocker, but maybe as a rocker) cannot afford to do so in today’s economy.

In conclusion, I really do not know for whom to vote…perhaps I could write in Betty Boop?

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

1 comment:

Tina Hemond said...

Excellent observation - coming from the generation that "would not trust anyone over 30" - as a whole, we understood respect in terms of age and wisdom - while asserting that our opinions where just as worthy of notice. The subsequent generations (Me, X, etc.) give no notice to collected wisdom. Age, or advancing age, is patronized - not respected - regardless of the fact that those who are nearing or at retirement are more vital and intelligent than most - (reverse ageism?) In regards to this particular election - once again, the public is left with the "lesser of two evils" - after women in general were pushed back in a blatant attack on gender vis-à-vis Hillary Clinton (the most qualified of the three candidates) - Betty Boop is an excellent choice - the character has "moxie".