Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Do You Know Someone Who Says They Won't Vote This Year?

While listening to NPR this week (all about the election, swing states and supposedly "shoe-ins"), one of the guests on "Talk of the Nation" spoke of why it is so important to get everyone out there to vote. He also mentioned a friend who won't vote this year and that he (the guest on the show) calls "Rickey".

We all know many "Rickeys" who say they are not going to vote this year for any number of reasons--it won't count, I don't like either candidate and on, and on, and on!

A new website,, was developed to get the "Rickeys" of this nation to vote and/or to help you get them to vote during this election...and any other election. Check it out!

"Only Rickey Can Prevent Forest Fires

Hello, Rickey. The Matrix has you. Follow the white rabbit to the nearest polling location.


It feels like that, doesn’t it? For many of us, it feels as though the last eight years of our lives have been controlled by machines bent on reducing us to fodder for some absurd political agenda, and it’s impossible for an individual to have any effect on turning that around. It really is a turbulent time.

But now, with the election of our next President at hand, we the people actually do have a chance to turn things around—if we get out and vote our voice. That’s why I was moved to create RickeyPAC.

You see, I live in Vermont, a state whose three electoral votes will go to Obama unless he devours a live kitten on national television on Election Day, and even then I’m not sure they wouldn’t. So my vote won’t count for much in the grand scheme of things. Neither will the votes of my fellow Vermonters, the Texan, the Californian, nor the Illini I know."


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